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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
There in crown of thorn & thistleThe King of Jews was foundOn a cross bloodied and brokenCrimson river flowing downAs darkness fell upon GolgothaTortured body wrapped in shroudOur Messiah laid beneath the ground
Verse 2
Every curse upon His shouldersWith our sin He was adornedPerfect Lamb led to the slaughterAs a ransom for our soulsOne last act and it was finishedPow'r of sin and veil were tornOn this cross was our victory wonBy His love He would overcome
Chorus 1
Long live the KingThe wrath of God and man now satisfiedLong live the KingOnce and once for all He paid the priceThat none might dieNow every sin and sicknessBows its kneeAnd I can't help butLift my hands and singLong live the King
Verse 3
Then within the bowels of HadesA trembling was madeThe very breath of God descendedWhich death itself could not enslaveThe exodus of ancient sinnersMarched in triumphal paradeFinally hell had been overcomeBy Jesus Christ the Anointed One
Chorus 2
Long live the KingThe Son of God is crowned With many crownsLong live the KingDeath and darkness fear Him And bow downAnd lost are foundThe souls of every sinnerNow redeemedAnd I can't help butLift my hands and sing
Long Live the KingLong Live the King
Verse 4
In the early morning hoursGod's Spirit filled the graveBreathing Life into the bodyOf the Lamb who had been slainResurrecting like a LionAs the stone was rolled awayJesus Christ now glorifiedYes our Redeemer He's alive
Chorus 3
Long live the KingEmmanuel ascends to take His throneLong live the KingThe train of His robe glides across the floorCreation roarsA billion ancient starsBow down their kneesAnd I can't help butLift my hands and sing
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This track was recorded live and may suffer from lead vocal bleed into the instrumental tracks. You can expect to faintly hear the lead vocal in some instrumental tracks.
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