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Ultimate Analog Collection

Peter James

Garageband, Logic Pro, MainStage, MainStage, Logic, GarageBand, Sound Libraries
Bright Mellotron Organ Pad Arp Rhythmic Lead Bright Moog 80s Sidechain Pulse Warm
3.81 GB
MainStage, Logic, GarageBand


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage. If any additional plugins are required, you'll find them listed in the product page description.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.
Logic Pro


We just want to go over a few things briefly.

  1. This product requires an authorised version of Logic Pro X. Make sure you have the latest version downloaded to ensure compatibility.
  2. If the product requires any additional plugins, you'll find them listed on the product page.
  3. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on one computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. You cannot resale this patch in any form. You cannot resample this patch in any form/format.

Sound Libraries

We just want to go over a few things briefly.

This bundle is compatible with Apple's free software Garageband and requires the latest version downloaded from the App Store. If you don't have the latest version, it won't run.

  1. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.
Sound Libraries

Sound Libraries

We just want to go over a few things briefly.

Sound libraries are custom-sampled instruments that can be loaded directly into any MainStage concert or Logic Pro project. Once installed, you can access your Sounds from the User Library or load them directly into the Sampler plugin.

  1. This product requires an authorized copy of MainStage or Logic Pro.
  2. The purchase of this patch entitles you to use it on ONE computer at a time. You may not share this patch with anyone else. Resampling or resale of the product is strictly forbidden.
  3. The latest version of MainStage 3 or Logic Pro X is required for this product.
MainStage 3 or higher

More From Peter James

This bundle is included in the Complete Analog Synths Collection - all of Peter James' analog sound libraries for MainStage and Logic Pro.

Bundles bought separately: $384
Collection Price: $189


Product Description

One of Peter Jame's favourite analog synthesisers to date - The Moog Sub37.

It's been used on a number of Hillsong United and Hillsong Worship albums and this Sound Library is a deep-dive sample and rebuild of this incredible keyboard. No need for any additional plugins - just load the patches into MainStage or Logic Pro.

NOTE: The user interface seen in the videos can only be loaded into MainStage. Logic and GarageBand will load the sound as patches and channel strip presets without the GUI.


What's Included

- 7GB of original sample content
- Quick-play MainStage Concert
- Quick-play Logic Pro Project
- 90+ patches

NOTE: The Logic Pro Project contains sampler files only - the additional performance FX heard in the audio demos are MainStage only.


This patch is used on 1 Songs

LTBL Moog 2


Theremin 37


Little Moog

Fat Sub 2

8bit 8ve


Stringy (Wide)



Squarey 2


Space Banjo

Rubber Glass

Rising Sun

Rezzo Bass Wah

Rezzo Bass


Res Me

Res Drop

Pluck Time

Pluck Bass

Percuss Dub

Organ Vibes

Organ 37

Ode 2

Ode (Wide)

Ode (Drive)

Moogup (Wide)


Mooger 2


Moog Clav

Low Bass

Little Moog 2

Little Grind

Funk Pluck 2

Funk Pluck

Freaky Moog

Fat Sub (Wide)

Fat Sub

Elec Organ

Drive Res

Distortech Res


Clicky Organ

Broken Moog

Brassy 2

Brassy (Wide)


Big Res

Bass Melt

Basic Wave 5

Basic Wave 4

Basic Wave 3

Basic Wave 2

Basic Wave 1

Analog Kick

8bit Sub 2

8bit Sub

8bit Pluck

8Bit Love 2

8Bit Love

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