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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I tell my problems how big my God isI ain’t never seen no LEver since that first noelGo ahead and yell your yellI listen to Jesus tellRead about His clienteleHeavens army personnelNo business this personalTappin out yo ring that bellYou lucky He mercifulMade me like I never fellCross is irreversibleTook my sin like surgicalSecond chance accessibleJesus is the Lord of all
The enemy's under my feetThe enemy's under my feetI praise You ‘cos Lord I believeThat Jesus set me freeNow whether I feel it or notI'll praise You with all that I gotYou are my God and my rockSomeone turn that praise up
Verse 2
He give me that blue shellEven tho we first placeIt’s already finishedIt’s a no contestIma get this off my chestYou can try try your bestMake your noise unimpressedJesus is the very bestPerfect love I am blessedHigher ways I ascendShoot your shot no effectTalk your talk noneventSpit your lies no consentNone can stop the Heaven sentWe from Heaven's consulateJC squad represent
Verse 3
I tell my issuesHow good my God isHe’s victoriousStanding tall and gloriousKing of holy warriorsNot against He’s for usAnd His name is JesusSo praise will be my responseMy God's already wonIn the trials like fireHe’s got more heat than the sunThere’s nothing His equal or sequelAnd He’ll stay number one it’s doneLiving water got more dripThan Heron PrestonAnd it’ll stay that way tilThy kingdom come
Bridge 1
All authorityIn Heaven and beneathBelongs to JCAnd He inside meSo you can try talkAnd be all pettyBut It’s like you Chun LiV me master chief hey
Bridge 2
We lift Jesus upAnd the walls come downJericho lions denFurnace red SeaPrison GoliathAnd global floodingBlind deafLame Death and LeprosyDrought floodStorm plague anxietyEven that talking snakeMessing with eveNothing can stop my God heyWe lift Jesus upAnd the walls come down
Bridge 3
I gotta stop and talk about the wayThat we being doing itEverybody do itFor the King of kingsThe God over the universeThe God of the seasThe God over the everythingLives in you and meSo I’m putting up my handsAnd I’mma give Him all praiseDo this for all my days YahwehPut in the work andI gotta look at the earthAnd I gotta thank Him for everythingThat He did I got the victory like
You come at meWith a sword and a spearBut I come in the nameOf the Lord of Heaven's armiesNothing can stop my GodSomeone turn that praise up
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