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Mixes created from the Original Master Recording. Available in {0} keys with Up and Minus mixes for each part plus the original song. Learn More
Verse 1
I can see the Promised LandThough there's pain within the planThere is victory in the endYour love is my battle cry
Verse 2
When my fear's like JerichoBuild their walls around my soulWhen my heart is overthrownYour love is my battle cryThe anthem for all my life
Every giant will fallThe mountains will moveEvery chain of the pastYou've broken in twoOver fear over liesWe're singing the truthThat nothing is impossible with You
Verse 3
There is hope within the fightIn the wars that rage insideThough the shadows steal the lightYour love is my battle cryThe anthem for all my life
Every giant will fallThe mountains will moveEvery chain of the pastYou've broken in twoOver fear over liesWe're singing the truthThat nothing is impossible
No greater name no higher nameNo stronger name than JesusYou overcame broke every chainForever reign King Jesus
Nothing is impossible
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
Send your team mixes of their part before rehearsal, so everyone comes prepared.
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