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℗ 2022 AVF Records
Verse 1
Come ye sinners poor and needyWeak and wounded sick and soreJesus ready stands to save youFull of pity love and power
Verse 2
Come ye weary heavy-ladenLost and ruined by the fallIf you tarry till you’re betterYou will never come at all
Verse 3
View Him prostrate in the gardenOn the ground your Maker liesOn the bloody tree behold HimSinner will this not suffice
Verse 4
Come ye thirsty come and welcomeGod's free bounty glorifyTrue belief and true repentanceEv'ry grace that brings you nigh
Verse 5
I will arise and go to JesusHe will embrace me in His armsIn the arms of my dear SaviorO there are ten thousand charms
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
Send your team mixes of their part before rehearsal, so everyone comes prepared.
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