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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
God I will tellMy daughters and sonsTo the ones who’ve yet to comeThe glory that crowns YouAnd God I will sing while I am youngSing 'til this breath of mine is doneThe beauty surrounds to You
Glorious things are spoken of YouGlorious things too great to tellGlorious things are spoken of YouYou make everythingBeautiful and glorious
Verse 2
God I will tell ofYour kindness and strengthThe way You lifted and carried meYour mercy amazingAnd God You're not like manYou do not leaveI will hold fast I will believeYou're never changing
And I will say it is trueYour love is not removedAnd I will say it is trueYour love is not removedAnd I will say it is trueYour love endures all my days
I will say it is trueYour love is not removedAnd I will say it is trueYour love is not removedAnd I will say it is trueYour love endures all my days
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