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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
With piercing lightYou broke throughWhen sin had shadowedOur sight of YouYou pulled us out of darknessWhen all was lostYou saved us
Champion of the worldEvery heart belongs to YouChampion of the worldAll of our lives belong to YouYou conquered the thiefThen stole our heartsAll of our love belongs to YouChampion of the worldEvery heart belongs to You
Verse 2
And now these bonesAre alive againNow my soul is free to danceYou breathe Your lifeInto everythingYou have won the victory
I won't be scared of the fireOr scared of the waterYou're the great OvercomerYou're living in meYou are the Man in the fireYou walk on the waterYou're the great OvercomerYou're here with me
I won't be scared of the fireOr scared of the waterYou're the great OvercomerYou're living in meYou are the Man in the fireYou walk on the waterYou're the great Overcomer
Emmanuel Emmanuel
Emmanuel EmmanuelEmmanuel Emmanuel
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