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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
When Christ our life appearsOur hope will be completeOur longings finally restAs we fall at His feetWhen Jesus comes to reignRestoring everythingOur tears will turn to tidesOf praises to our King
Pre Chorus
We're longing for that dayWhen we'll see
Christ our SaviorWe'll behold the gloryOf our King foreverChrist our SaviorFaith will turn to sightWhen Christ our life appears
Verse 2
When Christ our life appearsThe curse will be undoneAll wickedness willEnd as mercy overcomesThe Savior will renewWhat sin had torn apartHis light will drive the shadowsFrom our weary hearts
Verse 3
When Christ our life appearsThese trials that weighed us downWill fade and fall away asHe receives our crownsAnd death will disappearIts rule and reign destroyedBeneath the weight of gloryAnd eternal joy
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