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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
When I survey theWondrous CrossOn which the PrinceOf Glory diedMy richest gainI count but lossAnd pour contemptOn all my pride
Verse 2
See from His head His hands His feetSorrow and blood flow mingled downDid ever such love and sorrow meetOr thorns composeSo rich a crown
Chorus 1
Oh the wonderful CrossOh the wonderful CrossBids me come and dieAnd find that IMay truly live
Chorus 2
Oh the wonderful CrossOh the wonderful CrossAll who gather here by graceDraw near and blessYour name
Verse 3
Were the whole realm of nature mineThat were an offering far too smallLove so amazing so divineDemands my soul my life my all
Love so amazingSo divineDemands my soulMy life my all
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