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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I’m leaving what’s goodTo find what’s bestI’m leaning intoYour faithfulnessOh You never let me downLet me downAnd I know You never will
Verse 2
Every beat of my heartTells of Your graceThere’s a miracle inEach breath I takeLord You never let me downLet me downAnd I know You never willAnd I know You never will
So with my hands lifted highI trust You with my whole lifeTrust You with my whole lifeLord I’m all YoursWith my hands lifted highI give You my tomorrowsAll my joy and sorrowsYou’re in controlI trust You Lord
Verse 3
I’m countingOn every word You sayI’m counting on YouTo make a wayAnd the mountainThat’s before me will fallI feel it tremble even nowEvery stronghold’s coming down
You are You are You areTrustworthyYou are You are You areTrustworthyYou are You are You areTrustworthy GodTrustworthy God
You are You are You areTrustworthyYou are You are You areTrustworthyYou are You are You areTrustworthy GodTrustworthy GodI trust You Lord
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