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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
There's no story beyond redemptionIf the Savior's hand is in itThere no shame there's no sinnerThat's lost beyond His graceSo if you need a touch from HeavenIf you need a resurrectionJust turn to JesusTurn to Jesus
And call on His nameThe name of JesusBe born againCome find your freedomHeaven longs to celebrateWhile a family and a feast awaitYou're only one breath awayJust call on His name
Verse 2
He's the God of second chancesHe already has the answerIn the far and hopeless placesHe keeps showing up with graceHe's not surprised by your confessionHe is pouring out compassionHe is patient He is listening
Call on His nameThe name of JesusBe born againCome find your freedomHeaven longs to celebrateWhile a family and a feast awaitYou're only one breath awayJust call on His name
Jesus Jesus how I trust HimHow I've proved Him o'er and o’erJesus Jesus precious JesusOh for grace to trust Him more
Call on His nameThe name of JesusBe born againCome find your freedomHeaven longs to celebrateWhile a family and a feast awaitYou're only one breath away
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