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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
So much wonder lay before usIn a manger heaven's hereEarth is longing for its SaviorHighest kingHumble frameNow appeared
Unto us a child is bornUnto us the Savior of the worldWe adore You we adore YouUnto us a child is bornUnto us the Savior of the worldWe adore You we adore You Lord
Verse 2
Stars of gloryBreak the shadowsLeading all to perfect lightShepherds gatheredBearing witnessTo the hope of the worldJesus Christ
We adore You
Verse 3
Now behold Him precious JesusOur Redeemer Mary's SonGod incarnateYou are with usPrince of PeaceEmmanuelPromised One
Unto us a child is bornUnto us the Savior of the worldWe adore You we adore YouUnto us a child is bornUnto usThe Savior of the worldWe adore You we adore You
We adore YouWe adore You
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