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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I was lost and could not seeBut You did not give up on meTo save me from my guilt and shameYou stepped into the world You made
Chorus 1
And on the Cross of CalvaryYou gave Your life to set me freeForever I will sing Your NameHands high heart full of praise
Verse 2
The King of glory once enthronedWas laid to rest behind the stoneBut death would not have final sayJesus You rose from the grave
Chorus 2
Now standing in Your victoryYour Spirit is alive in meForever I will sing Your nameHands high heart full of praise
Oh ohHeart full of praiseOh oh
Verse 3
After all is said and doneAfter every race is runI will see my Savior's faceHands high heart full of praise
Chorus 3
For You are crownedThe King of kingsAnd You are robed in majestyForever I will sing Your nameOh hands high heart full of praise
YeahHeart full of praiseOhhh
Hallelujah HallelujahAll glory to Your nameHallelujah HallelujahHands high heart full of praise
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