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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
In the paradise of EdenSin was knocking at the doorThe enemy in the gardenWith a plan for war
Verse 2
The fall of Your creationYes he thought that he had wonBut he was no matchFor the glory still to comeWhat a glory still to come
Chorus 1
Even there Your power was aliveEven there Your love was on our sideEven there Your plan was the undoingWhat a glorious undoing
Verse 3
It's not what we expectedOur Savior on a crossHow can this be the victoryWhen all seems lost
Verse 4
But death by death defeatedHas forever lost its stingCause' Hell is no matchFor the resurrected KingFor the resurrected King
Chorus 2
Even there Your power was aliveEven there Your love was on our sideEven there Your plan was the undoingEven there You were always in controlEven there You never let us goEven there Your plan was the undoingWhat a glorious undoing
Post Chorus
Your grace is my undoingYour love is my undoingMy undoing
Bridge 1
All my guilt all my shameAll my darkness washed awayEvery burden every chainIs now undone
Bridge 2
All my doubt all my fearAll my failure crumbles hereYou called my nameAnd now the grave is overcomeIt's overcome
What a glorious undoing
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