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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
The empty filledThe wounded healedThe broken back togetherThe poor are blessedThe weary restWe will dance forever
Verse 2
The blinded seeThe chained are freeThe doubtful now believerThe outcast knownThe orphan homeYou are my Redeemer
Behold beholdBehold what love can doBehold beholdHe's making all things new
Verse 3
The lost returnThe voiceless heardThe mourner now rejoicingThe mountains shakeThe world awakeCreation all composing
Verse 4
The sad untrueThe Earth renewedThe song has found its singerThe darkness lightThe dead aliveYou are my Redeemer
Bridge 1
We've been struck downWe're not destroyedWe've sown in tearsWe'll reap in joy
Bridge 2
My eyes are openMy eyes are open
He's making all things newHe's making all things new
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