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Mixes created from the Original Master Recording. Available in {0} keys with Up and Minus mixes for each part plus the original song. Learn More
Verse 1
Who else could stand beside me in the fireWho else could part the waters at my feetWho else could move the mountains I am facingWho else already holds my victory
I trust JesusI trust JesusIn the storm in the the fightAll my days all my lifeI trust JesusAlways JesusCome what will come what mayStill my heart will choose to sayI trust Jesus
Verse 2
Who else would pay the price for my redemptionWho else would bear a cross that’s meant for meWho else laid down their life for my salvationWho else has conquered death and holds the key
My hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus’ blood and righteousnessI dare not trust the sweetest frameI trust in Jesus’ name
I trust JesusI trust JesusIn the storm in the the fightAll my days all my lifeI trust JesusAlways JesusCome what will come what mayStill my heart will choose to say
Come what will come what mayStill my heart will choose to say
I trust Jesus
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
Send your team mixes of their part before rehearsal, so everyone comes prepared.
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