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Verse 1
When peace like a riverAttendeth my wayWhen sorrows likeSea billows roll
Whatever my lotThou hast taught me to sayIt is well it is wellWith my soul
Verse 2
Though satan should buffetThough trials should comeLet this blest assurance control
That Christ hath regardedMy helpless estateAnd hath shed HisOwn blood for my soul
And so I’ll sayIt is well with my soulAnd hold fast toThis hope my soul
Verse 3
My sin the blissOf this glorious thoughtMy sin not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the crossAnd I bear it no morePraise the LordPraise the Lord my soul
Upon the crossI’ll fix my eyesNo turning backThis hope will riseFor in my weakest hourYour Spirit speaks for me
Your great mercy sets me freeAnd all Your love is all I needSo when the trials comeRemind me it is well
Verse 4
And Lord haste the dayWhen my faith shall be sightThe clouds be rolled back as a scroll
The trump shall resoundAnd the Lord shall descendEven so it is well with my soul
It is well it is wellWith my soul
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