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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I am no victimI live with a visionI’m covered by the force of loveCovered in my Savior’s blood
Verse 2
I am no orphanI’m not a poor manThe Kingdom’s now become my ownAnd with the King I’ve found a home
He’s not just revivingNot simply restoringGreater things have yet to comeGreater things have yet to come
Verse 3
He is my FatherI do not wonderIf His plans for me are goodIf He’ll come through like He should
Verse 4
Cause He is provisionAnd enough wisdomTo usher in my brightest daysTo turn my mourning into praise
I am who He says I amHe is who He says He isI’m defined by all His promisesShaped by every word He says
He is my fatherHe is provisionAnd enough wisdom
I am no victim
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