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Verse 1
Worthy is the Lamb who was slainHoly holy is HeSing a new songTo Him who sits onHeaven's mercy seat
Holy Holy HolyIs the Lord God AlmightyWho was and is and is to comeWith all creation I singPraise to the King of KingsYou are my everythingAnd I will adore You
Verse 2
Clothed in rainbowsOf living colorFlashes of lighting rolls of thunderBlessing honor strength andGlory and power beTo You the only one King
Verse 3
Filled with wonderAwestruck wonderAt the mention of Your name
Filled with wonder awestruck wonderAt the mention of Your nameJesus Your name is powerBreath and living waterSuch a marvelous mystery
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
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This track was recorded live and may suffer from lead vocal bleed into the instrumental tracks.You can expect to faintly hear the lead vocal in some instrumental tracks.
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