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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
WaitingI’m waiting for a city thatMy eyes have yet to seeLonging I’m longingFor the perfect to perfectHis work in me
Verse 2
Keeping I’m keepingYour Word withinMy heart forevermoreTrusting I’m trustingAs I abide in You I am secure
You are Alpha and OmegaYou are the Beginning and the EndYou’re our Author and CreatorI know You will complete what You beganSo I cling to Heaven’s promiseChrist is coming again
Verse 3
Living I’m livingA life to glorify the risen KingResting I am restingKnowing there’s a place prepared for me
Let us fix our eyesLet us turn our gazeWhat we see will fadeBut our hope remainsSurely as the sunWe will rise with HimFor to live is ChristAnd to die is gain
I cling to Heaven’s promiseChrist is coming again
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