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Mixes created from the Original Master Recording. Available in {0} keys with Up and Minus mixes for each part plus the original song. Learn More
Verse 1
Away in a mangerNo crib for a bedThe little Lord JesusLaid down His sweet head
Verse 2
The stars in the bright skyLooked down where He layThe little Lord JesusAsleep on the hay
Chorus 1
Verse 3
The cattle are lowingThe Baby awakesThe little Lord JesusNo crying He makes
Verse 4
I love You Lord JesusLook down from the skyAnd stay by my sideTill morning is nigh
Verse 5
Be near me Lord JesusI ask You to stayClose by me foreverAnd love me I pray
Verse 6
Bless all the dear childrenIn Your tender careAnd fit us for HeavenTo live with You there
Chorus 2
The stars in the bright skyLooked down where He layThe little Lord JesusLaid down His sweet head
I love You I love YouEverydayI love You I love YouEveryday
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
Send your team mixes of their part before rehearsal, so everyone comes prepared.
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