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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I am an instrument of exaltationAnd I was born to liftThe Name above all NamesYou hear the melody of all creationBut there’s a song of praiseThat only I can bring
Who else is worthyWho else is worthyThere is no oneOnly You JesusWho else is worthyWho else is worthyThere is no oneOnly You Jesus
Verse 2
You are the infinite GodOf the agesYet You chose to makeMy heart Your dwelling placeYou healed my brokennessShowed me Your glorySo I have songs of thanksNot even angels sing
Lamb of God anointed oneWho was and is and is to comeSeated on the throne aboveHoly holyRighteous one who shed His bloodYou proved to us the Father’s loveJesus Christ be lifted upHoly holy
Lamb of God anointed oneWho was and is and is to comeSeated on the throne aboveHoly holyRighteous one who shed His bloodYou proved to us the Father’s loveJesus Christ be lifted up
There is no oneOnly You Jesus
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