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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
Heaven's gloryHumbled to the world He madeLove and mercyHoliness in Him displayed
Verse 2
Stripes and bruisesBroken for the world He lovesOur salvationOnce for allHe paid the price
Pre Chorus
I will bow downYou alone are worthyI will join theChoirs of angels singing holyYou deserve all praise
Chorus 1
Behold the SaviorOur hope foreverThe Son of HeavenCrucified nowRaised to life
Chorus 2
Behold His powerHe reigns foreverOur great defenderJesus ChristThe Savior King
All creation sings Your praisesHoly Holy God Almighty
Verse 3
He is risenSeated on the highest thronePraise and honorBelong to HimAnd Him alone
I will bow downYou alone are worthyI will join theChoirs of angels singing holyI will praise withAll I have inside of me
You deserve all praise
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