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Verse 1
There is no greater songThere is no greater faithThere is no other SaviorThere is no other Name
Verse 2
Creation testifiesThe angels stand in aweTo hear the saints declaringThe greatness of our God
Let ev'ry hallelujahLet ev'ry glad refrainInvite the King of heavenTo come and take His placeWith ev'ry voice proclaimingThe great things He has doneLet God be crowned with gloryWith ev'ry hallelujah
Verse 3
There is no higher KingThere is no higher throneMajestic and eternalHis kingdom stands alone
Verse 4
There is no other RockWe build our lives uponWe rise and give Him honorGreatness to Him belongs
HallelujahHallelujahLet God be praisedWith hallelujah
Oh let Him comeAnd take His placeLet God be crowned with gloryWith ev'ry hallelujah
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This track was recorded live and may suffer from lead vocal bleed into the instrumental tracks.You can expect to faintly hear the lead vocal in some instrumental tracks.
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