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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
A thousand generations falling down in worshipTo sing the song of ages to the LambAll who've gone before us and all who will believeWill sing the song of ages to the Lamb
Pre Chorus
Your name is the highestYour name is the greatestYour name stands above them allAll thrones and dominionsAll powers and positionsYour name stands above them all
Chorus 1
And the angels cry HolyAll creation cries HolyYou are lifted high HolyHoly forever
Verse 2
If you've been forgiven and if you've been redeemedSing the song forever to the LambIf you walk in freedom and if you bear His nameSing the song forever to the Lamb
We'll sing the song forever and amen
Chorus 2
Hear Your people sing HolyTo the King of Kings HolyYou will always be HolyHoly forever
Bridge 1
You will always be HolyHoly forever
You will always be HolyYou will always be HolyYou will always be HolyHoly forever
You will always be HolyYou will always be HolyYou will never change HolyHoly forever
Bridge 2
Holy Holy HolyLord God AlmightyEarly in the morningMy song shall rise to Thee
Bridge 3
Holy Holy HolyMerciful and MightyGod in three personsBlessed Trinity
You will always be HolyYou will always be HolyYou are lifted highHoly Holy forever
Lord we praise Your nameHoly HolyYou will always be HolyHoly forever
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