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For someone who named his first album “Coming Home,” Cole Jennette has not always had the same view of what a home even looks like. At a young age, Cole had to choose where his home would be when his parents got a divorce. While divorces are ugly endeavors, Cole’s parents loved him deeply. His mom worked, cooked and kept a home that was warm and welcoming. His dad took late shifts at work to be there as a baseball coach and to take his sons to the woods as often as they could manage. And while they loved him, it wasn’t until high school that Cole had an encounter with Jesus. At age 16, there was a knock on the door of his mom’s home, and he was handed a track that held the good news of the gospel.

Amazingly enough, God later used that same track to lead him to see what the gospel “good news” actually is. He read that God loves him as he is and that because of Jesus’ blood being shed, God has wiped all his filth away and forgiven his sins. He committed to following Jesus, accepted forgiveness of his sins, and became a disciple of Jesus sitting in his bedroom…in his home. I met Cole after he began leading worship at a small church in our hometown. Standing beside Cole, singing with him, God spoke deeply to me, “Beside him is home.” I, all of a sudden, was aware that he was someone I would feel at home with for the rest of my life. God had put it in me and it wasn’t leaving. Cole later interned at Grace Fellowship Church in Snellville, Georgia under a man by the name of Aaron Keyes. Aaron emphasized character over competency, depth over dynamics and presence over presentation. He told him that He was called to pastor God’s people in worship, not just lead songs. This emphasis on character placed a foundation in Cole that remains in him to this day. Cole and I were married in 2007 and quickly had three children; Skyler ’08, Leeland ’09 and Selah ’10. God whispered “Home” again, but this time it was a church and a city; Riverside Church in Fort Myers, FL. Obediently, Cole stepped out with our young family, moving away from all we had known in Georgia. At the not so ripe age of 23 we found ourselves pastoring worship at a church in transition. New city, new church, new baby and new Home. From 2010 to present, Cole and I have been pastoring our church in worship. God has been gracious enough to craft our culture into what a number of people refer to as “Home”. Many people said that word and that is what jogged my memory about the first word I felt God say about Cole. Now God is using Cole to lead people home to the arms of their Daddy. Our prayer is that these songs connect you to Jesus. That they help you in your journey as a disciple. Above all, we pray that these songs bring glory to God, who gives us the grace, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

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