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Indie Showcase: Never Fails by Destiny Worship Music

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page
Destiny Worship Music is a collection of worship leaders, musicians, songwriters, storytellers and artists serving and equipping the Local Church with content rich in theology, mission, and expression. The heartbeat of their newest album Never Fails is that we serve a faithful God who in every season and situation will never leave us, forsake us, or fail us and His love for us endures forever. The team hopes people will receive that message from listening and worshiping to this collection of songs and that the truth of the gospel is heard in every note and line. The album was recorded live at Destiny Worship Music's home church Destiny Worship Center on October 16th, 2016, featuring songs birthed from the worship staff and team at the church that reflect the workings of God in the church body at Destiny, the surrounding community, and around the globe, including passionate song of surrender "Whatever You Want To" and the title track "Never Fails," which proclaims God's sovereignty and our trust in Him.  Never Fails is now available for download on iTunes and you can now find the worship leading resources, including the Original Master MultiTracks and instrument parts in RehearsalMix here on Never Fails - Destiny Worship Music    
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