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The New Sound Is Family, Volume 1

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases
The New Sound Is Family (TNSIF) is a family of worship leaders (Michael, Sherrie, Sarah, and John Michael Howell), who write and record songs and travel the world, leading worship and teaching at churches and conferences. Their new release, The New Sound Is Family, Volume 1 is an album with a multigenerational sound, reaching a multigenerational audience. It is a call to every man, woman, boy and girl to awaken to their true identity as sons and daughters of Father God. These songs were born out of a desire to call forth the greatness and destiny for which all of humanity was created. In fully realizing and living from a place of ROYALTY, a son or daughter of the Father, HIS Kingdom WILL be established on earth and the Father's dream to have a family will become reality. "The whole earth waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed." Romans 8:19 Original Master MultiTracks and other worship-leading resources for the album drop on September 19. As you introduce these new songs to your worship teams and congregations, be sure to download your copy of The New Sound Is Family, Volume 1 today on iTunes. The New Sound Is Family, Volume 1 - The New Sound Is Family
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