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New from Joel Vaughn - "Pray It Up"

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases
"Pray It Up" is a new digital single from the first of singer/songwriter and worship leader Joel Vaughn's two-part forthcoming EPs beginning to release in July.  "When I think about the words 'Pray It Up,' I think about being prepared," Joel explains.  "I also think about being in connection with God." "You wouldn’t go into a math test without studying first, you wouldn’t go into a marathon without training first, and you shouldn’t go into your day; into your life without praying first," he continues. "The Bible tells us on numerous occasions to pray without ceasing, that if anyone is sick among us to pray for them to be healed, and to pray for our enemies. God is calling us to constantly come to him in prayer and not just because it’s some kind of rule but because the creator of the Universe is genuinely interested in each and every one of us. So I hope this song bolsters your faith, I hope it calls you to take your mountains (burdens) to God in prayer because then suddenly those mountains don’t seem so big after all. I hope you enjoy this song." "Pray It Up" is now available to download on iTunes and you can find the worship leading resources you need here on MultiTracks as you share it with your congregations. Pray It Up - Joel Vaughn
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