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Justin Rizzo - Paid It All

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases
Justin Rizzo, one of the lead worship artists at IHOP in Kansas City for the past 10 years, has released his newest EP Paid It All. The new EP also features “You Are My Treasure” that implores worshippers to love God like they did at first, and “Love Won’t Stop,” a reminder from Justin that “no matter what's happening in our lives, God’s love will never give up on us. John 15:9 says that the same way the Father loves Jesus is the way Jesus loves us. This love is unlike anything we’ve ever known on earth. The love between the Trinity is something we are brought into.” Widely known for leading worship at the International House of Prayer of Kansas City, MO for 15 years, and penning such notable worship favorites as “Tree,” “Found Faithful,” “Above Every Other Name,” “There is One Found Worthy” and “Glory Will Cover the Earth,” Rizzo offers Paid It All as the first of three new recordings to release, one per month leading up to his first full-length album in seven years, Love So Fierce, on March 20. His second EP, Worship And Adore is set to release Feb. 14. “Justin Rizzo’s mission and calling to lead people into God’s presence is what drew Spotlight Music Group to make him our first artist signed to the label,” says Spotlight Music Group president Steve Nicolle. “We are excited and honored to have this opportunity to support Justin and his undeniable gifting, both in worship leading and in songwriting.” “The passion and vision of what Spotlight Music Group is wanting to do really resonates with me,” says Rizzo, adding that the title track of the new EP is one of his favorite songs to play live. “‘Paid It All’ is a combination of two songs my good friend Caleb Andrews wrote,” continues Rizzo. “I heard them both one day and said, "We need to combine parts of each song together." It quickly became one of my favorite songs to lead not only because of the theology and message, but also how it engaged congregations to sing along, declaring the worth of the blood of Jesus.” The new EP also features “You Are My Treasure” that implores worshippers to love God like they did at first, and “Love Won’t Stop,” a reminder from Rizzo that “no matter what's happening in our lives, God’s love will never give up on us. John 15:9 says that the same way the Father loves Jesus is the way Jesus loves us. This love is unlike anything we’ve ever known on earth. The love between the Trinity is something we are brought into.” As a full-time worship leader at the International House of Prayer, Rizzo led six, two-hour worship sets per week for 15 years. While these times focused on interceding for the nation, ending of human trafficking, world crisis events, etc., most sets were spent spontaneously singing the Bible. “We would study different verses and passages of scripture off stage as a team – singers, musicians, sound tech, etc. - and then lead as a team, creating spontaneous music, melodies and choruses while singing through certain passages or themes. This has absolutely changed my life and continues to be one of my most enjoyable, life-changing experiences.”    
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