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3 New Singles from Sidewalk Prophets

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases
Dove Award-winning band Sidewalk Prophets' newest album, The Things That Got Us Here is now available for pre-order! We are excited to bring you the Original Master MultiTracks for three pre-released tracks from the album, "Smile," "Chosen," and "The Comment Section." Sidewalk Prophets frontman Dave Frey shares that the song "Smile" is “an anthem of joy and a reminder to hold on to God’s promises through thick and thin. Over the past few years, we’ve been through some pretty awesome experiences, as well as some very terrifying ones… When you start to pay close attention, you begin to see that how you respond to these experiences is actually a choice. In the tough times, we can either wither away in fear and doubt, or we can go confidently into each new challenge knowing that when we hold on to Christ and His promises, there is always a reason to smile.” The Things That Got Us Here - Sidewalk Prophets
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