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℗ 2022 Integrity Music
Verse 1
Hope in my heartEven when the world is spinning 'roundYou put hope in my heartA hope that's never everLet me down
Chorus 1
I'm living in hopeI'm moving in hopeWhat a song to singThe future's about HimI'm living in hope
Verse 2
We've got hope in our heartsEven when the world is spinning 'roundYou put hope in our heartsA hope that's never everLet us down
Chorus 2
We're living in hopeWe're moving in hopeWhat a song to singThe future's about HimWe're living in hope
Love will see me throughEvery season I trust in YouYour light will be my guideUpon Jesus I'll fix my eyes
We're living in hopeWe're living in hopeWe're moving in hopeWe're moving in hope
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
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