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Mixes created from the Original Master Recording. Available in {0} keys with Up and Minus mixes for each part plus the original song. Learn More
Verse 1
You don't let a tear fallYou collect them allAnd You don't waste our sufferingYou're with us in the rain
Pre Chorus
This aching heartWon't last foreverI know that all thingsWork together
As if Your love wasn't enoughYou promised usAll of heaven’s secretsI know that we will see it
Post Chorus
There’s nothingThat You keep from usAll I have to do is trust
Verse 2
You sing to all my sorrowYou turn it into joyThe wind carries Your whisperAnd I can hear Your still small voice saying
I can feel peace comingI can see fear runningYour love it just does somethingThat sets my feet to dancingI can feel peace comingI can see fear runningYour love it just does somethingThat sets my feet to dancing
Sets my feet to dancingSets my feet to dancingSets my feet to dancing
There’s nothingYou keep from usAll I have to do is trustTrust You
There’s nothingYou keep from usAll I have to do is trust
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In addition to mixes for every part, listen and learn from the original song.
Rehearse a mix of your part from any song in any key.
Send your team mixes of their part before rehearsal, so everyone comes prepared.
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