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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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I know a good GodI have a FatherHe is my daily bread my living waterI have a promise He will deliverI'm satisfied I'm satisfied'Cause He is good
And from the mountain to the valleyHe is goodOn my best days and worst onesHe is goodAnd from glory to gloryHe is goodOh taste and seeThat He is goodI'm satisfied I'm satisfiedCause He is good
From the mountain to the valleyHe is goodOn my best days and worst onesHe is goodAnd from glory to gloryHe is goodOh taste and seeThat He is goodI'm satisfied I'm satisfiedCause He is good
Bridge 1
You're sweeter than the honeyFrom the honeycombSweeter than the honeyFrom the Honeycomb
You're sweeter than the honeyFrom the honeycombSweeter than the honeyFrom the HoneycombTaste and see that He is
Sweeter than the honeyFrom the honeycombSweeter than the honeyFrom the HoneycombTaste and see that He is
Bridge 2
Jesus is the sweetest nameI've ever knownJesus is the sweetest nameI've ever knownTaste and see that He is
Sweeter than the honeyFrom the honeycombSweeter than the honeyFrom the Honeycomb
Sweeter than the honeyFrom the honeycombSweeter than the honeyFrom the HoneycombTaste and see
He is so good so goodSo good to me
My God is so good so goodI'm satisfied I'm satisfiedCause He is good
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