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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
The God of all the agesSpeaking into the voidCreator uncreatedFrom Him the heavens formFrom Him the heavens form
Behold the LambThe Lamb of GodBehold the SaviorOf the worldBehold the OneWho authors lifeBehold the beautyOf His light
Verse 2
Present from the beginningDestined to be condemnedFulfilling what was writtenThe Word becoming fleshThe Word becoming flesh
Behold the LambThe Lamb of GodBehold the SaviorOf the worldBehold the ManWho walks the earthEmmanuelHe's God with us
Worthy is the OneWho was and is and is to comeHoly is the SonWhose sacrifice is paid with blood
Behold the LambThe Lamb of GodBehold the SaviorOf the worldBehold the KingUpon the crossBehold Him highAnd lifted up
Behold the LambThe Lamb of GodBehold the SaviorOf the worldBehold the LordUpon His throneAnd He shall reignForevermore
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