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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
Look He is coming with the cloudsEvery eye will see His glory coming downAre we readyAre we ready
Verse 2
Look see the fire in His eyesHe’s coming for His childrenA pure and spotless brideAre we readyAre we ready
Chorus 1
Jesus is coming back againHe’s the beginning and the endWe’re gonna hear the trumpet soundAny day now
Verse 3
Take heart the day is drawing nearHe will fill us up with gladnessRedeem our every tearAre we readyAre we ready
Jesus is coming back againHe’s the beginning and the endWe’re gonna hear the trumpet soundAny day now ooh
Chorus 2
He will be high and lifted upThe One who was and is to comeBefore Him every knee will bowAny day now ooh
Bridge 1
Rejoice rejoice with expectationWe will hear the sound of HeavenMake us readyCome Lord Jesus come oh come
Bridge 2
Rejoice rejoiceO sons and daughtersWelcome Him with praise and honorHallelujah we believe
He will be high and lifted upThe One who was and is to comeBefore Him every knee will bowAny day now
We’re gonna hear the trumpet soundAny day now
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