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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
Great is Thy faithfulnessO God my FatherThere is no shadow ofTurning with TheeThou changest notThy compassions they fail notAs Thou hast beenThou forever will be
Oh Great is Thy faithfulnessGreat is Thy faithfulnessMorning by morningNew mercies I seeAll I have neededThy hand hath providedGreat is Thy faithfulnessLord unto me
Verse 2
I could not loveThee so blind and unfeelingCovenant promises fell not to meThen without warningDesire or deservingI found my TreasureMy pleasure in Thee
Verse 3
I have no merit to wooor delight TheeI have no wisdom orPowers to employ andYet in thy mercy howPleasing thou find’st meThis is Thy pleasureThat Thou art my joy
Verse 4
Pardon for sin and aPeace that endurethThine own dear presenceTo cheer and to guideStrength for today andBright hope for tomorrowBlessings all mine withTen thousand beside
Great is Thy faithfulnessGreat is Thy faithfulnessMorning by morningNew mercies I seeAll I have neededThy hand hath providedGreat is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulnessLord unto me
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